Thursday night PreSeason Games!

Filed under:Football — posted by Ballcatcher Amanda on August 12, 2010 @ 11:37 pm

Well it was a hot night tonight and I am not just talking about some of the preseason games that were played. Summer is winding down but the heat isn’t at least not where I am. It is 2:40 am and I am thinking of jumping in my pool naked to cool off. Anyone want to join me. ;-)

Now that I have your attention and maybe as heated up as I am. ~laughing~ The Superbowl champs The New Orleans Saints lost by 3 points against the New England Patriots 24 to 27. The Panthers lost to the Ravens by 5 points 12 to 17. Last but not least one of my favorite teams the Oakland Raiders trounced the Dallas Cowboys woo hoo by 8 points 17 to 9.

So far my fave teams are not looking to bad. I mean 24 to 27 isn’t a bad game I am planning on keeping my eyes out on those Saints again this year. Also hopefully it means the raiders might be actually trying to make a new name for themselves.

What do you think boys to early to tell or do you have a favorite pick already?

XOXO Amanda

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