I’m back

Filed under:Football, Uncategorized — posted by SweetP on October 17, 2009 @ 6:09 pm

Carly, you big titted hottie, did you miss me? Can’t believe it’ five weeks into the season and I’m just now getting back into action. I will say the gatekeeper of this site was a little slow in getting me the new info to log in. Speaking of logs, I bet you are missing that too aren’t ya. After last years payoff by you, the thought of another year of making bets and seeing you on your knees again at the end of the season made for some fun trips down memory lane for me. You are a pro in that department sweetheart. I have you tagged in my email address as Deepthroat Carly.

Ok, back to this year and the subject at hand, football. Your Seacocks are about the same lame team they were last year, as are your Browns. I know, you like their tight white pants and all those tight butts, but they still suck. Congrats on that one win. As for my Steelers, a bit of the Superbowl hangover and a ton of no Troy cleaning up things on defense. We might get him back this week but no big hurry, we are playing your Browns. lol Sorry, couldn’t help it. Some big surprise teams so far this season, namely the Donkeys, whoops, I mean Broncos and the Bengals. Pittsburgh needs to look out for those guys. We will see if the Donkeys can keep it going on MNF. Playing your other favorite team, the Chargers. I bet you a good hour long tongue lashing the Donkeys whip em. I win either way as the thought of pleasuring you for an hour is some like of bet I would gladly pay off.

Squeeze those giant tits of yours for me until I can do it myself. Take care sweet lady.  SweetP

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